Squatty v2.0. It felted quite well, in my humble opinion. I'm not sure about the button, but it will work. The gf has requested two more for her other sister and sister-in-law. We'll see, as I still have the Marley's Ghost scarf and the shawl and another present to finish in the next three weeks.
I really have been working on the diss, several whole paragraphs and three or four papers read today. That's progress in dissland, I assure you.
I want one too! The gf is lucky to have such a talented knitter in the family. Care to make my presents while you're at it? I have this scarf I've been trying to knit all weekend...Yarn = 14 Me = 0 :)
An update... yarn =18 me =1. I finally got something I am happy with. We'll see how it goes. Happy Knitting!
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