Sunrise circle jacket by Kate Gilbert. Yarn: Mountain Colors Weaver's Wool. Needles: 7 circular. Took approximately a month, with big gaps of not working on it, but I finally have a sweater that 1) I like; 2) I didn't screw up in any major way; and 3) will wear regularly. Yay! Thanks to friends and gf for helping with button placement on Thanksgiving day. This one is wear-to-work-able.

Zokni socks by Mintyfresh. Yarn: my own handspun 2-ply superwash merino, kettle dyed by me. I finished these on the plane back from Eugene. I realized that I had forgotten to bring a tapestry needle with me. I had to finish the socks. I ended up binding off with an extra stretchy regular bind-off rather than a sewn bind-off, so I'm not perfectly thrilled with these. I also turned the heel on #2 as we were crossing the Colorado Rockies. I'm using that as an excuse as to why heel #2 is a bit bigger than heel #1. Jetlag anyone? Also, note to self: when planning knitting for trip, make sure you bring extra needles for toe-up cast on. That was a royal bitch without a 3rd needle. They are warm, comfy, wear around the house socks that I love because they are mine from start to finish.
Sunflower beret by Norah Gaughan. Yarn: Terra knits acorn, blend of silk, mohair and merino. Sorry no pics, I left it at work. I'll shoot it soon. This was a great knit with a lovely-looking yarn that does not quite match gauge. Thus it looks more like a toque than a beret. Lesson learned. I still love it and will probably make another one.
So, back to work but with a very satisfied smile on my face. Wish me luck on the Dec. 8 deadline!!!